
Charge Analysis: Ver. 1.0

Taisuke Ozaki, ISSP, the Univ. of Tokyo

1 Mulliken population

The Kohn-Sham (KS) Bloch functions ψμ are expanded in a form of linear combination of pseudo-atomic basis functions (LCPAO) ϕiα centered on site τi by

ψσμ(𝐤)(𝐫)=1NnNei𝐑n𝐤iαcσμ,iα(𝐤)ϕiα(𝐫-τi-𝐑n), (1)

where c and ϕ are an expansion coefficient and pseudo-atomic function, 𝐑n a lattice vector, i a site index, σ ( or ) spin index, α(plm) an organized orbital index with a multiplicity index p, an angular momentum quantum number l, a magnetic quantum number m, and N the number of repeated cells. The charge density operator n^σ for the spin index σ is given by

n^σ=1VBB𝑑k3μocc|ψσμ(𝐤)ψσμ(𝐤)|, (2)

where B means the integration over the first Brillouin zone of which volume is VB, and occ means the summation over occupied states. The charge density nσ(𝐫) with the spin index σ is found as

nσ(𝐫) = 𝐫|n^σ|𝐫, (3)
= 1VBB𝑑k3μocc𝐫|ψσμ(𝐤)ψσμ(𝐤)|𝐫,
= 1VBB𝑑k3nNiα,jβμoccei𝐑n𝐤cσμ,iα(𝐤)*cσμ,jβ(𝐤)ϕjβ(𝐫-τj)ϕiα(𝐫-τi-𝐑n),
= nNiα,jβρσ,iαjβ(𝐑n)ϕiα(𝐫-τi)ϕjβ(𝐫-τj-𝐑n)

with a density matrix defined by

ρσ,iαjβ(𝐑n)=1VBB𝑑k3μoccei𝐑n𝐤cσμ,iα(𝐤)*cσμ,jβ(𝐤). (4)

Then, Mulliken populations Mσ,iα are given by

Mσ,iα=nNjβρσ,iαjβ(𝐑n)Siα,jβ(𝐑n), (5)

where Siα,jβ(𝐑n) is an overlap integral. Since the Mulliken population can be obtained by integrating Eq. (3) over real space, and by decomposing it into each contribution specified with σ and iα, it can be confirmed that the sum of Mσ,iα gives the number of electron Nele per unit cell as follows:

Nele=σiαMσ,iα. (6)

2 Voronoi charge

The fuzzy cell method decomposes real space into smeared Voronoi cells, called the fuzzy cell [2]. The fuzzy cell at the site i is determined by a weighting function wi(𝐫):

wi(𝐫)=pi(𝐫)jpj(𝐫) (7)

with pi defined by

pi(𝐫)=jisk(μij), (8)
μij=ri-rjτij, (9)
ri=|𝐫-τi|,rj=|𝐫-τj|,τij=|τi-τj|, (10)
sk(x)=12{1-fk(x)}, (11)
fk(x)=f0(fk-1(x)),f0=32x-12x3, (12)

where k=3 is chosen in OpenMX. As k increases the fuzzy cells defined by w approach to Voronoi cells (Wigner-Seitz cells). From the definition Eq. (7) it is clear that

iwi(𝐫)=1. (13)

Thus, the integration of the charge density Eq. (3) over real space can be decomposed by employing the weighting functions as follows:

𝑑r3nσ(𝐫) = 𝑑r3[iwi(𝐫)]nσ(𝐫), (14)
= i𝑑r3wi(𝐫)nσ(𝐫).

Thus, the Voronoi charge Nσ,i at the site i can be defined by

Nσ,i=𝑑r3wi(𝐫)nσ(𝐫). (15)

From Eq. (14), it is confirmed that

Nele=σiNσ,i. (16)

3 Electro-static potential fitting (ESP) charge

Let us consider to express the Hartree potential in a system by the sum of Coulomb potentials with an effective point charge Qi located on each atomic site τi as follows:

V(ESP)(𝐫)=i=1NatomQi|𝐫-τi|, (17)

where Natom is the number of atoms in the system. The Qi can be found by a least square fitting with a constraint iQi=Qtot [3, 4, 5], where Qtot is the total charge in the system. The Lagrange multiplier method casts this to a minimization problem of the following function F:

F=p=1Np(V(DFT)(𝐫p)-V(ESP)(𝐫p))2-λ(Qtot-iQi), (18)

where Vp(DFT) and Vp(ESP) are the Hartree potential calculated by the DFT calculation and Eq. (17), respectively, {𝐫p} is a set of sampling points, and Np is the number of the sampling points. The sampling points are given by the grids in the real space between two shells of the first and second scale factors times van der Waals radii [6]. The conditions FQi=0 and Fλ=0 lead to

(a11a12a1Natom1a21a22a2Natom11a21a22a2Natom111110)(Q1Q2QNatom-12λ)=(b1b2bNatomQtot) (19)


aij=p=1Np1|𝐫p-τi||𝐫p-τj| (20)


bi=p=1NpV(DFT)(𝐫p)|𝐫p-τi|. (21)

By solving the linear equation Eq. (19), we can find the electro-static potential fitting (ESP) charges. It is noted that the ESP charge is an effective charge on each atom including the contribution of the core charge compared to the Mulliken and Voronoi charges.


  • [1] R. S. Mulliken, J. Chem. Phys. 23, 1833 (1955).
  • [2] A. D. Becke and R. M. Dickson, J. Chem. Phys. 89, 2993 (1988).
  • [3] U. C. Singh and P. A. Kollman, J. Comp. Chem. 5, 129(1984).
  • [4] L. E. Chirlian and M. M. Francl, J. Com. Chem. 8, 894(1987).
  • [5] B. H. Besler, K. M. Merz Jr. and P. A. Kollman, J. Comp. Chem. 11, 431 (1990).
  • [6] http://www.webelements.com